The Journey To Finish What You Start

Posted on 09. Mar, 2013 by in Featured

A man travels 40 miles an hour and his destination is in 357 miles. How long does it take for that man to get there?

Sometimes marketing yourself on the internet can seem like a story problem with many smaller tasks to complete before you can solve the problem. But, what if you knew that you needed to know some important formulas before starting your internet marketing world, would you even start your journey to success. What is success? Success is your ability to own every aspect of your journey.

If there was a “EASY” button on the internet to make via the internet, don’t you think everyone would be rich? In everything we do there is always some initial training involved and continued experience to make you good at it.

Just take a look at a few I can think of:

  • walking
  • driving a car
  • cooking food
  • playing and sport
  • reading
  • writing
  • math

Within the confines of internet marketing what are some things you’ll need to learn and do well before you can be successful?

  • Typing
  • Making friends
  • Following up with friends
  • Helping people

You maybe thought I was going to mention affiliate links, search engine optimization, facebook advertising, coops and others, didn’t you? What if I told you this was your first step in your world of being successful. The more people who know you the more people will establish friendship with you.

What’s the end result… Your friends are referring you because of your interaction with them.

Sometimes the journey to finish what you start isn’t so hard after all. Some of us think these steps are not important.

They are!

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